Friday, February 5, 2010

Quick Follow Up

Hi Class. I wanted to write this quick follow up to my experience. So I was totally nervous about going to the Body Center for pilates. I went there after doing my weekly shopping, which I will comment on later. I was thinking of ways I could say I did this with out really going. But I did not. I found a 2 hour parking spot and walked to the address provided. It sort of looked like a big house. Looking at the building straight on there was a door. It was locked. Hmm I thought maybe I will be getting out of this. But then there was a side entrance. When I opened the door it was just a staircase. So I went. It went to a equally as rugged hallway. I heard what sounded like a class going on but there were just a bunch of closed doors. It was 12:45, I like to be early, and class was at 1. Bail, bail, I kept thinking, but I stayed. I can't be in the right place I kept thinking. Pilates is for rich suburban Mom's and they would not be caught dead in a place like this, right? Finally the class let out and to my delight a dog came down the hallway. Well if they have a dog here it can't be all that bad. I signed all the waivers, gave a complete medical history, blah blah blah, and next thing I know I'm in the class. The class was given in a room which reminded me of where I used to take ballet when I was a kid, but with a bunch of old antique like mirrors lining the wall. It was kind of cool. Come to find out the instructor/owner got all of them for free at different time from our favorite website craigslist. Way to be sustainable! The 50 minute class flew by. It was both challenging and fun. I was more relaxed because the class was made up of females. But this is the interesting part. When I walked outside I felt good. No really good. Like I could change the world. I was not the usual crabby Liz. I did not even recognize myself. I felt high almost. It was a nice change of the usual bad mood I have been in since being laid off of my job and not being able to find work since September 09. Long story short, maybe trying something new is not all that bad. Maybe change is not that bad...but I'm not going to be trying cheesecake anytime soon. I think I will go back to another class next week though...(sorry my photos are at the top, I can't figure out how to edit this blog thing yet.)


  1. Awesome, Liz. I was reading the Servant-Leadership book this morning and I found a quote that is meant for you today: "The only way to change the world is to change yourself." (Chapter 9--you should check it out)
    Love the pics too.

  2. I am super-proud of you, Liz. I hate transitions, maybe as much as you hate change, because they make me uncomfortable. I think if you can empathize with people having a hard time with change and transition, you'll be better equipped to communicate effectively with them.

    ... and I agree, dogs are good omens!

  3. Way to go, Liz! I'm always amazed at how good I feel (both physically and mentally) after exercise. It's so good to get out of my head and just be in my body for an hour or so. It brings me new focus and clarity every time.

    And I make a mean cheesecake. I'll have to see if I can get you to try a piece sometime! :)
