Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Action Project

Hello Everyone

Just wanted to share details about my action project. I have organized a communal cooking event at my place of residence, (where all of you have visited). Just to refresh your minds, I live with a community of women from all ethinc and socioeconomic backgrounds. The first event is scheduled for this Sunday March 21. I have 5 participants that have agreed to attend. The purpose of my action project is to gather women from my residence together and cook ethinic cuisine, share a meal together and talk about food sustainability. I plan to make homemade pierogies which are unique to my Polish origin. I plan to have another cooking event in mid April that will include a shopping excursion for organic produce at a local farm with the same group and perhaps new faces who are unable to attend this weekend's event.


1 comment:

  1. That sounds great! So what do you hope to learn by leading this community meal? Do all of these women attending live in the same building? Are you reaching out or inviting women from the surrounding community in the Fenway area? What do you think the different cultural backgrounds will bring to this event and promote your sense of urban citizenship? I'm so excited for you!
