Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day Home Economics

I belong to a huge mother's group. Many of the families in my physical neighborhood belong, but my virtual neighborhood also includes families across Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Luckily, the women in my physical neighborhood and drivable communities form the majority.

A week from Monday, I will be packaging my daughter up in her Ergo and walking to a neighbor's house to learn about how to make eco-friendly, inexpensive, cleaning products from other moms. There will be a half dozen kids there under 4, and snacks. How did I find out about this event? The host e-mailed the group organizer with a description, she posted it, and's computer server sent me a message. Yes, it took some electricity--some of which likely came from a non-renewable source--as does me sharing my thoughts with you now, but truthfully, this example of community-building, community education, and eco-citizenship on the part of my neighbor will lead to reused containers, less harmful chemicals into the water table, and better yet--a solidified friendship, or two.

Home economics class down the street? I hope we can make it a trend.

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