Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ha! Ha! I am hiring an organizer.

I am a true yuppy housewife now. I have a cleaning service twice a month and now I have hired an organizer to come tell me how to deal with my family's stuff.

Why?? Well, to be fair, I have just scheduled reconstructive surgery on my foot for the middle of May. I need to plan how I am going to get through 6-8 weeks on crutches. Thankfully, I have some time.

I am excited to incorporate sustainable practices into our family life (with the help of a fellow mother professional) because it will give me the opportunity to impose them ... but more on that later.


  1. Hire me! Hire me!!! I am so organized it's not funny... minus my house that is constantly in disarray. I am so glad that your are moving past just possessing knowledge of science and working toward a more integrated lifestyle! :)

  2. hire me, Mel has a job! Although she is really organized :)

  3. I may need help to implement this lady's suggestions. More about that after Monday.

  4. Your entry makes me wonder if there is a market for sustainable practices lifestyle consulting. After all, you're willing to pay to have someone come in and help you do things differently in your life and daily practices. So would people pay to have someone come in to help them switch to a more sustainable lifestyle? What do you all think?

  5. Absolutely, Brian! Although unrelated, a sibling of a friend and his wife just paid $500+ for an analysis of how to make their home baby proof that included a shopping list. Any one of us could do the same for greening someone's house, with the cost based on number of rooms. There are always people who'll pay for home consultation, however, for myself I am much less!! than $500 for my "plan of action".

    There is always a market though ... Hollywood or NYC or Newton, MA or Weston, MA ... here I come. Anyone want to be my traveling consultant? Big bucks ... Brian knows the secret.

  6. Sorry to be glib about it in my last post ... just my sarcasm coming out from being up too early.

    To be more serious, personal shoppers and organizers will always be in demand in an economy that demands productivity (read VAST OVERTIME) over work-life balance. With enough $$, any aspect of your ideal homelifestyle can be outsourced.

  7. The organizer told me I have much less stuff than most people that hire her and that I am "very green." *BLUSH*
